Love, Rebecca

Saturday, December 11, 2010

i'm a terrible blogger

college is full of learning experiences and what i realized this year is that i'm a HORRIBLE blogger. i always forget to update this thing/never have time to. so much has happened since i last updated.

#1. i got a little sister in my sorority! her name is robin and she's the BEST. she is now one of my SISTERS!

#2. i'm in an organization called "bobcats for life" which is the pro-life group on campus that started at the Catholic Student Center. well, in october we decided to have our second annual cupcakes for life day where we passed out 700+ cupcakes on campus to promote LIFE. it ended up being a huge success once again. delicious cupcakes are the second best thing in the world besides babies :)

#3. the next thing i did with bobcats for life was go to the Texas Alliance for Life banquet dinner. the special speaker this year was Abbey Johnson; she used to be a manager for a planned parenthood. she ended up witnessing a sonogram abortion and watched the baby shy away from the instrument that was going to kill it. she's been a pro-life motivational speaker since. it was a very moving speech.
heres's the bobcats for life with Abbey Johnson:

#4. the last, and probably most important, is that my sister GOT MARRIED to her best friend on November 27, 2010. it was the most beautiful wedding i've ever been to and i was so honored to be a part of their special day. she is now a MRS. Andrew Bratton! i couldn't be more happy for the new married couple.
here's the only picture we have...MORE TO COME SOON!

CHRISTMAS IS HERE everyone! the best time of the year is finally here! i love christmas because of the love in the air. it seems like everyone (including me) remembers to love during christmas time. of course, the TRUE meaning of christmas is the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ....but presents are fun too ;)
Merry Christmas to you and your families.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

ashley's little blessings

it's time for 6 little blessings again!

here's ashley's (my beautiful roomie) 6 little blessings in her life:

1. a wonderful job that i love.
2. living with 3 amazing women of God.
3. a working laptop/phone even though i've dropped it multiple times.
4. NAPS.
5. this weather rocks.
6. meeting new people and growing in new friendships.

thank you for your list, ashley! i love you :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

be a pro.

well bobcat awakening was a wonderful experience! i got to act which was a first for me. i am a horrible actress to begin with but surprisingly i wasn't nervous or too bad...

and i wish i could skip the whole "learning how to play guitar" thing and just be amazing at it! i just want to be a pro. asdjfnvasdfkjh. okay, rant....DONE.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

the end?

so IF i even have anyone still reading probably know that i've been debating on whether or not to get rid of this blog. well, i guess i'll keep it for now, but i honestly don't know who cares about my life to still be reading this.

nothing really has happened since i last updated except: i got a job at primrose preschools over the summer AND LOVED IT. i started school at Texas State University for my second year and it's busier than ever (hence, the reason this has not been updated in 1234672345 years). i work at Rocking Horse Academy's great too. oh, and i'm living with 4 AWESOME roommates. nothing much...?

i'm excited for my retreat this weekend that i'm leading called Bobcat Awakening! MAYBE i'll post something about it when i get back...i might remember.

OH! GLEE IS ON AGAIN!! oh how i missed it...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

happy father's day!

happy father's day to a great dad and teacher!
i love you, papi!
(you're welcome for the photo)

ps: entry from the farm to come soon...

Friday, June 11, 2010

i'm lame.

#1. i'm so sorry i haven't updated this thing in FOREVER. lately, i've been so busy i don't have time to type it all out! but i know you all are DYING to know everything that goes on in my life, so i will try to update more often (JUST KIDDING)
#2. my sister graduated from college! woohoo! congratulations, mia. so unbelievably proud of you.
#3. i had my 2 year anniversary with the boyfriend that same weekend! can't begin to explain how lucky i am. love you, case!
#4. i got a job at a preschool and i'm lovin' it...i love kids and i love working with the younger kids, as opposed to the older ones last summmer (but i do go into the older kids room to mess with them occasionally...last time i taught them the macarena and the cupid shuffle on my lunch break). I LOVE BABIES! i can't say that enough....
#5. I LOVE SUMMER! i can't say that enough either. i feel as though we didn't even go away to school and let me tell you...I'M LOVING IT. i've played enough sand volleyball to be a pro by now (but of course i'm the farthest thing from that), i've country danced like there's no tomorrow (and HATED my job the next morning), and i've hung out with great friends that i will never take for granted.
#6. my next happy list is on its way!

Friday, May 7, 2010

and let the summer begin...

tomorrow i am finally going home for the summer! i am so excited and some-what disappointed to leave this chapter of my life; i just can't believe freshman year is already over! as i look back on my year here at Texas State, i honestly could not have asked for a better place for God to place me. He knew what i was going to do, who i would befriend, and how i would mature in faith and love and it is so much clearer to me now. i love how God just knows whats up...i just need to learn to trust Him more! so thank you, Lord for continuing to move in my life and prayers for safe (and productive) summers!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

flower children

today was a beautiful day with my wonderful sorority sisters and future roommates for next year. Karah, Eileen, Ashley and I decided it would be fun to take pictures to frame in out house (and yes, we do plan on making wallpaper out of these pictures). our friend Sarah took our pictures and i just can't stop looking at them; she did such an amazing job! i love you,girls and thank you,Sarah for taking our pictures and putting up with our silly-ness!

here are a few of my favorites:

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Praise Jesus!

on Saturday night, Eileen (bestfriend), Casey (boyfriend), and I went to one of our favorite Christian bands: HILLSONG UNITED!
it was such a wonderful night of worship and blessings. Thank you to all who went and praised Jesus with us!

beautiful Ausin!

Eileen and I walking to the EXTREMELY long line was really sunny.


Thursday, April 22, 2010


PS: this was done during class... :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

little blessings

i decided to make lists of 6 little blessings in my life and then ask friends to make some too!
so here's my first list...

6 things that are little blessings for me:

1. my family and friends
2. naps
3. going home
4. when baby's laugh
5. the taste of chocolate and caramel together
6. unexpected letters in the mail

have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010's to happiness!

i decided to start a blog with help from my favorites.
i never thought i'd be a blogger but here's goes nothing!
